Can Mold Grow During Winter in NJ Homes?

Can Mold Grow During Winter in NJ Homes? | Certified Mold Testing NJ

Mold Testing NJ – NY LLC, your mold testing experts in Mahwah NJ

Can mold grow during winter in NJ homes? This is a common question. After all, it is understandable considering winter is the driest time of year and mold thrives in moist conditions. The reality is, however, that yes, mold can grow during winter. In fact many people believe that winter is a prime season for mold growth. If you are worried about mold growing this winter contact the NJ mold testing experts at Certified Mold Testing in Mahwah.

Winter time means the heat is on. Areas like baseboard heaters, mechanical rooms, and basements can collect extra moisture when warm. In addition spaces underneath the sink may be extra warm during this time of year. To avoid mold growing in New Jersey homes make sure there are no leaks, no pooling of water, and keep things dry. Often excessively moist areas, like basements, benefit from a de-humidification system being installed.

A NY/NJ mold tester will be able to ascertain whether mold exists in your home. If mold does exist you will want to hire a remediation company. If mold does not exist you may want to take steps to continue to keep it from growing. Keep an eye out for condensation. Condensation occurs more frequently in the winter on window sills and window frames as window treatments can lock moisture trapped. Keep your window treatments open a small amount to prevent this.

Any moisture, regardless of the season, should always be dried when noticed. During the winter the windows and doors are closed which can keep everything warm and dry or serve as an incubator if areas are wet. If you continually notice pooling of water and/or condensation have it checked out by an expert.

Contact Certified Mold Testing today

The experienced Bergen County mold testers at Certified Mold NJ-NY will provide the peace of mind you need when you suspect mold might be growing. Knowing that mold exists is the first step in eradicating it from your home. Contact our team today, 201-658-8881, to learn more about mold testing services in New Jersey and New York. We look forward to answering all of your question as well as explaining why mold does grow in winter in more depth.