Mahwah NJ - VOC Inspection and Testing


VOC – Volatile Organic Compounds



Volatile Organic Compounds are chemicals produced in the making of paints, some pharmaceutical products and refrigerants. Usually the concentration of VOCS is higher indoors than outdoors, at times as much as 10 times higher. Using products that contain organic chemicals can expose you and your family to high pollutant levels and be dangerous to your health. Mold Testing NJ-NY is a certified Indoor Air Quality inspector, working in Bergen County NJ and surrounding areas. We can inspect and determine the presence and level of VOCS in your NJ home.


In What Ways Do VOCS Affect Your Health?


As is the case with all polluting agents, adverse health effects produced by VOCs depend on the level and length of exposure to them. Listed below are some symptoms of exposure to VOCS, all of which can lead to more serious medical issues.

  • Eye Irritation
  • Respiratory Irritation
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Problems with Eyesight
  • Memory Impairment

What Are Some Products That Emit VOCs?


Examples of products that emit VOCs or air polluting chemicals are:

  • paints and varnishes
  • wax
  • cleaning and disinfecting agents4,
  • cosmetics5.
  • degreasing agents
  • hobby products
  • fuels
  • pesticides

How Can Harmful Exposure to VOCs Be Prevented?


A few ways to reduce exposure to harmful chemicals in the air are:

  • Keep your home well ventilated, especially when using products that release pollutants.
  • Read labels on products that may emit VOCs and follow the manufacturer’s instructions about use, clean-up, and storage.
  • Of course, keep VOC emitting products out of the reach of children and pets.
  • When starting a project that may require the use of VOC-emitting products, try to do some research. The EPA website can be helpful in doing this research.

An Indoor Air Quality Inspection Is A Good Idea


Mold Testing NJ-NY is a certified and experienced Indoor Air Quality inspector. We inspect, test and advise regarding Air Quality issues. We do not remediate, but we do recommend remediation when deemed necessary. Call us today and discover our inspection process and the benefits it offers you and your family. We can be reached at (201) 658-8881.